Bronze Age (c. 1500B.C. -221B.C.)

Three bivalve stone moulds unearthed at Kwo Lo Wan, evidencing the production of bronze implements on Chek Lap Kok Island.
Three bivalve stone moulds unearthed at Kwo Lo Wan, evidencing the production of bronze implements on Chek Lap Kok Island.

Bronze Age archaeological remains were mainly unearthed from the lower slope behind the Kwo Lo Wan sandbar. Nine Bronze Age burials were discovered. The grave goods can be grouped under three major categories: pottery, stone and bronze. There were altogether forty-nine grave goods including coarse or geometric pottery pots, glazed pottery stemcups; various stone implements such as adzes, spearheads, rings, slotted rings and casting moulds; bronze artifacts like dagger and knife etc.. Three pairs of sandstone casting moulds deserve special attention as they demonstrated that people produced bronze implements on Chek Lap Kok Island as early as 3,000 years ago.
