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Map of Sheung Wan Route Section A
Original Site of the Central Fire Station Central Market Pottinger Street (Stone Slab Street) Original Site of the Xing Zhong Hui (Revive China Society) Hong Kong Headquarters Jamia Mosque Ohel Leah Synagogue London Mission Building Kom Tong Hall (Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum) Original Site of the To Tsai Church Original Site of the Alice Memorial Hospital and College of Medicine for Chinese, Hongkong Original Site of the Furen Wenshe (Literary Society for the Promotion of Benevolence) Original Site of the School where Yeung Ku-wan was Murdered Original Site of Yeung Yiu Kee - meeting place for the “Four Great Outlaws” Commemorative Plaque for Dr James Legge Original Site of Government Central School Original Site of Queen's College Original Site of the Preaching House of the American Congregational Church (Hong Kong News-Expo)

Ohel Leah Synagogue

70 Robinson Road

Ohel Leah Synagogue

The Ohel Leah Synagogue was built in 1902 by a Jewish banker, Sir Jacob E. Sassoon, in memory of his mother, Leah E. Sassoon. The two-storey building may have been influenced by Middle Eastern religious architecture and features a balcony on the upper floor for woman devotees. The renovation project undertaken in 1998 won the Outstanding Project Award at the 2000 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation.

* This building is not open to the public
