Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (about 146 million to 140 million years ago)
Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Collection of Antiquities and Monuments Office, Development Bureau

The fossils are initially inferred to be ferns. The veins are clearly visible under the magnifying glass.

植物化石 Plant Fossils
Where is the fossil?

植物化石 Plant Fossils
Veins under the magnifying glass

植物化石 Plant Fossils
Veins under the magnifying glass

植物化石 Plant Fossils
Veins under the magnifying glass

蕨類植物 Ferns
Ferns (Image Courtesy of Perengstrom/Wikimedia Commons)

蕨類植物細部Close-up of ferns
Close-up of ferns (Image Courtesy of James Mann/Wikimedia Commons)